报告人:韩远莉学 号:246911025主 题:Effect of an Exclusive Human Milk Diet on the Gut Microbiome in Preterm Infants :A Randomized Clinical Trial导 师:林茜教授报告人:蒋倩倩学 号:246914045主 题...
主题:报告人:欧婧学 号 :246911024主 题:Time-restricted eating reveals a "younger" immune system and reshapes the intestinal microbiome in human.主题:报告人:刘文君学 号 :236911026主 题:时序...
主题:Vanillic acid restores homeostasis of intestinal epithelium in colitis through inhibiting CA9/STIM1-mediated ferroptosis报告人:陈洁学 号:246911029导师:秦虹 教授时间:2024年12月17日18:20地...
主题:Adipsin promotes bone marrow adiposity by priming mesenchymal stem cells.报告人:秦文茜学 号:246911027导师:陈继华 副教授时间:2024年12月12日14:00地点:湘雅公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学系331...
主题:SIRT1: Harnessing multiple pathways to hinder NAFLD报告人:欧阳慧丽学号:246912046主题:CREBH: A Complex Array of Regulatory Mechanisms in Nutritional Signaling, Metabolic Inflammation,and Me...
主题:Fgf9 regulates bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell fate and bone-fat balance in osteoporosis by PI3K/AKT/ Hippo and MEK/ERK signaling.报告人:闫亚芳学 号:246912069导师:陈继华 副教授时间:2024...