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1997年进入湖南医科大学临床医学系就读,多次获得一等奖学金、联邦奖学金等;2002年获中南大学首届“十佳大学生”称号,并选拔为中南大学第一批研究生支教团成员至邵阳城步苗族自治县第一民族中学任教,获全校教学比武大赛一等奖、全国支教研究生征文大赛一等奖;2003-2006年为中南大学生殖与干细胞工程研究所硕士研究生,获2004-2005年度一等奖学金;毕业后就职湘雅三医院妇产科,2008年报考湘雅公共卫生学院社会流行病学方向博士研究生,录取后调至湘雅公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系任教至今,近十年主持了四项国家自然科学基金、两项CMB(美国中华医学基金会)OC项目以及若干省部级课题,并在多项国际合作课题中任共同负责人或核心成员;2013年赴美国华盛顿大学全球卫生系访问、2014-2015年赴美国罗切斯特大学开展博士后研究并于2015-2017连续三年接受该校暑期在训导师(mentor in trainingMIT)培训、2018-2019年赴英国伯明翰大学应用卫生研究所任访问学者,2022年挂职邵阳双清区任科技副区长(两年)。



1.妇幼保健、精神卫生及移动健康3MMaternalMental & Mobile health

目前领导一支团队(HER Team),以围产期抑郁、压力性尿失禁等疾病为切入口,围绕妇幼保健、精神卫生及移动健康及与此相关的卫生政策制定、卫生服务利用与质量评估等公共卫生问题进行探索,具体关注话题可见公众号:






挂职期间照常招收博士、硕士研究生,欢迎同学们加入温暖友爱的HER Team。对报考学生的要求:团队合作精神强,表达清晰有逻辑,具备责任心、好奇心及同情心,对妇幼健康领域的科研有钻研热情,英语成绩优良。本团队与国内外院校合作较多,有成熟科研基地与实验现场,可以向优秀研究生提供实践机会与国际化学习资源及平台。




  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82273643,基于阶梯式医疗模型的基层产后抑郁干预方案开发与效果评价,2023.01至2026.12,52万,在研,主持。

  • 美国中华医学基金会(CMB),开放竞争项目(Open Competition)20-368,Assessing the quality of care in Direct-to-Consumer Telemedicine (DTCT)for common obstetric and gynecologic conditions in China using standardized patients2021.01至2023.12,8万美元,在研,主持。

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81973059,基于复杂干预概念框架的围生期抑郁高风险孕产妇转诊促进策略研究,2020.01至2023.12,55万,在研,主持

  • 中山大学, 横向, H202005200690001 ,用于评价高端医疗机构诊疗质量的标准化病人的病例开发与培训, 2020.06 至 2020.12,6.98万,结题,主持。

  • 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2019JJ40351,孕产妇社交媒体信息与其围产期心理健康的相关性研究,2019.01至2021.12,10万,结题,主持。

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81773446,母亲围产期抑郁影响婴幼儿健康的途径——基于现有队列的前瞻性研究项目,2018.01至2021.12,55万,结题,主持。

  • 广州合生元营养与护理研究院基金项目,围产期抑郁和母婴互动受损的相关性研究及机制探索,2018.10至2020.9,20万,结题,主持。

  • 华盛顿大学健康指标与评估研究所(Institute for Health Metrics and EvaluationIHME),横向,5P30AG047545-04,An exploratory study on solutions to improve the health of the left-behind elderly with severe mental disorders in rural China 2017.08 至2019.06,48万,结题,共同主持。

  • 美国NIHFIC资助 D43及R21子项目:利用移动健康方法进行围产期抑郁的相关研究,2016.10至2017.10,D43为11,000美元;R21为5,000美元,结题,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81402690,社会环境、心理和生物学因素联合动态预测围产期抑郁模型的建立:一项队列研究,2015.01至2017.12,23万,结题,主持。

  • 美国中华医学基金会(CMB),开放竞争项目(Open Competition)12-114,Village doctor-assisted case management for patients with schizophrenia in rural communities: A randomized control study.2013.01至2016.12,11万美元,结题,主持。

  • 瑞士发展与合作署全球合作处(Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Global Cooperation Department),国际项目,81067392S,strengthen the Health Systems for a Healthy Maritime Silk RoadDevelopment of the Silk Road LabsS-Labs),2020.11 至 2024.10,1200万,在研,参与。



  • Wenjie Gong, KK Cheng. Challenges in screening and general health checks in China. Lancet Public Health. 2022 Dec;7(12):e989-e990. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00207-9. PMID: 36462520.

  • Cai Y#, Gong W#, He W, He H, Hughes JP, Simoni J, Xiao S, Gloyd S, Lin M, Deng X, Liang Z, Dai B, Liao J, Hao Y, Xu DR. Residual Effect of Texting to Promote Medication Adherence for Villagers with Schizophrenia in China: 18-Month Follow-up Survey After the Randomized Controlled Trial Discontinuation. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2022 Apr 19;10(4):e33628. doi: 10.2196/33628. PMID: 35438649.

  • Lu Liu , Dong Roman Xu , Yongsheng Tong , Jingcheng Shi , Zhen Zeng , Wenjie Gong*.Symptomatology in 1,112 women screened positive and negative using the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale (EPDS): longitudinal observations from the first trimester to 6 weeks postpartum of a Chinese cohort.J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol.2022 Mar 23;1-11. doi: 10.1080/0167482X.2022.2052845.

  • Pengfei Guo#, Dong Xu#, Zeyan Liew, Hua He, Peter Brocklehurst, Beck Taylor, Chao Zhang, Xin Jin, Wenjie Gong*. Adherence to Traditional Chinese Postpartum Practices and Postpartum Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hunan, China. Front Psychiatry.  2021 Jul 27;12:649972. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.649972.

  • Qiao Li, Wenqing Xue, Wenjie Gong*, Xin Quan, Quanlei Li, Lina Xiao, Dong Roman Xu, Eric D Caine, Ellen L Poleshuck. Experiences and perceptions of perinatal depression among new immigrant Chinese parents : a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Jul 26;21(1):739. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-06752-2.

  • Yiyuan Cai#, Wenjie Gong#, Hua He, James P Hughes, Jane Simoni, Shuiyuan Xiao, Stephen Gloyd, Meijuan Lin, Xinlei Deng, Zichao Liang, Wenjun He, Bofeng Dai, Jing Liao, Yuantao Hao*, Dong Roman Xu . Mobile Texting and Lay Health Supporters to Improve Schizophrenia Care in a Resource-Poor Community in Rural China (LEAN Trial): Randomized Controlled Trial Extended Implementation. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(12):e22631. doi: 10.2196/22631.

  • Weina Zhang, Lu Liu, Qijin Cheng, Yan Chen, Dong Xu, Wenjie Gong*.The Relationship Between Images Posted by New Mothers on WeChat Moments and Postpartum Depression: Cohort Study.J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(11):e23575. doi: 10.2196/23575.

  • Min Yu, Hui Li, Dong Roman Xu, Yinglan Wu, Hua Liu, Wenjie Gong*.Trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms from early pregnancy to six weeks postpartum and their risk factors-a longitudinal study.J Affect Disord. 2020;275:149-156.doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.07.005.

  • Wenjie Gong, Chao Zhang, Dong Roman Xu, Shuiyuan Xiao*, Yu Yu, Eric D Caine .The association between a free medicine program and functioning in people with schizophrenia: a cross-sectional study in Liuyang, China. PeerJ. 2020 ;8:e8929. doi: 10.7717/peerj.8929. eCollection 2020.

  • Weina Zhang, Han Liu, Vincent Silenzio, Peiyuan Qiu*, Wenjie Gong*. Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of Postpartum Depression: Application and Comparison Based on a Cohort Study.JMIR Med Inform. 2020;8(4):e15516. doi: 10.2196/15516.

  • Fengsu Hou, Xingyu Zhang, Catherine Cerulli, Wenjun He, Yushi Mo, Wenjie Gong*. The impact of intimate partner violence on the trajectory of perinatal depression: a cohort study in a Chinese sample.Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2020;29:e133. doi: 10.1017/S2045796020000463.

  • W Q Xue, K K Cheng, D Xu, X Jin, W J Gong* .Uptake of referrals for women with positive perinatal depression screening results and the effectiveness of interventions to increase uptake: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2020;29:e143.doi: 10.1017/S2045796020000554.

  • Dong (Roman) XuID, Shuiyuan Xiao, Hua He, Eric D. Caine, Stephen Gloyd, Jane Simoni, James P. Hughes, Juan Nie1, Meijuan Lin, Wenjun He, Yeqing Yuan, Wenjie Gong*. Lay health supporters aided by mobile text messaging to improve adherence, symptoms, and functioning among people with schizophrenia in a resource- poor community in rural China (LEAN): A randomized controlled trial. 2019.PLoS Med 16(4): e1002785. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002785.

  • Dong Roman Xu, Mengyao Hu,  Wenjun He, Jing Liao, Yiyuan Cai, Sean Yuji Sylvia, Kara Hanson, Yaolong Chen, Jay Pan, Zhongliang Zhou, Nan Zhang, Chenxiang Tang, Xiaohui Wang, Scott Rozelle, Hua He, Hong Wang, Gary Chan, Roberto Melipillan, Wei Zhou, Wenjie Gong*.  Assessing the Quality of Primary Health Care in 7 Chinese Provinces with Unannounced Standardized Patients: Protocol of a Cross-sectional Survey. BMJ Open 2019;0:e023997. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-023997

  • Xu DR, Gong W*, Gloyd S, Caine ED, Simoni J, Hughes JP, Xiao S, He W, Dai B, Lin M, Nie J. Measuring adherence to antipsychotic medications for schizophrenia: concordance and validity among a community sample in rural China. Schizophrenia research. 2018 Nov 1;201:307-14.doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2018.05.014.

  • Yushi Mo , Wenjie Gong* , Joyce Wang , Xiaoqi Sheng, Dong R Xu . The association between the use of antenatal care smartphone apps in pregnant women and antenatal depression: cross-sectional study.[J]. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2018. doi: 10.2196/11508

  • Gong W, Xu D R, Caine E D. Challenges arising from China's two-child policy[J]. Lancet, 2016, 387(10025): 1274.doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30020-4.

  • Dong Roman Xu , Wenjie Gong* , Eric D Caine , Shuiyuan Xiao, James P Hughes , Marie Ng , Jane Simoni , Hua He , Kirk L Smith , Henry Shelton Brown 3rd , Stephen Gloyd. Lay health supporters aided by a mobile phone messaging system to improve care of villagers with schizophrenia in Liuyang, China: protocol for a randomised control trial[J]. BMJ open, 2016, 6(1): e010120.doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010120.

  • Wenjie Gong, Dong Xu, Liang Zhou, Henry Shelton Brown 3rd, Kirk L Smith, Shuiyuan Xiao*. Village doctor-assisted case management of rural patients with schizophrenia: protocol for a cluster randomized control trial[J]. Implementation Science, 2014, 9(1): 13. DOI: 10.1186/1748-5908-9-13.

  • 龚雯洁#,曾榛#,张丽,胡宓,童永胜.坚持青少年抑郁症筛查实践取向[J].中国学校卫生,2022,43(05):706-710+714.

  • 闫润楠, 李巧, 徐东,龚雯洁*. 女性压力性尿失禁评估问卷的研究进展[J]. 国际泌尿系统杂志, 2022, 42(1):5.

  • 张超,金欣,罗丹*,徐东,廖婧,龚雯洁*.应用虚拟患者法评估湖南省基层妇幼专干识别产后抑郁的能力[J].中南大学学报(医学版), 2021,46(10):1129-1137.

  • 余敏,徐东,蔡毅媛,吴颖岚,刘华,龚雯洁*.围产期女性不同时点抑郁症状检出率及影响因素[J].中国心理卫生杂志,2021,35(01):19-25.

  • 余敏,龚雯洁*,薛文庆,徐东.匿名标准化病人在心理健康领域的应用:一项系统综述[J].中国临床心理学杂志,2021,29(01):133-138.

  • 杨安文,徐东,代伯峰,何文俊,林美娟,龚雯洁*.药片计数法在精神分裂症患者服药依从性测量中的应用[J].解放军护理杂志,2018,35(03):46-50.

  • 王辉,肖水源,徐东,李全磊,聂娟,袁也青,侯丰苏,龚雯洁*.农村社区精神分裂症患者及家属对手机短信干预真实体验的质性研究[J].护理学杂志,2017,32(08):89-92.

  • 林美娟,肖水源,徐东,李全磊,龚雯洁*.农村社区精神分裂症患者主要照护者照护内容的质性研究[J].解放军护理杂志,2016,33(20):6-11.


